Posts Tagged ‘rogers tv’

Last night’s airing on Rogers TV of some of the Trustee candidates in Zones 1 through 6 was quite informative. The range of preparation and talent in front of the camera was very wide. Some were very, very comfortable and completely prepared. And of course, others not so much.

I think I fell into the former rather than the latter though there were a few candidates whose experience shone through much brighter than mine.

And that is that as far as television goes in this campaign – as far as we Trustee candidates are concerned. Some candidates may have something planned independently, but unlike the Council and Mayoral candidates, our 90 seconds of fame on Rogers is pretty much it.

Happily, people are taking the initiative and emailing questions about my stance on certain issues… keeps me busy but I’m glad to do my part in keeping our communities informed.

It may not be an interview with Peter Mansbridge, but I do appreciate Rogers TV Ottawa giving Trustee candidates 90 seconds to introduce themselves (or re-introduce themselves) to a wider audience.

I haven’t yet seen it, so it is an understatement for me to say that I am a bit nervous – more nervous in fact than I was when in front of the camera.

I hope you watch. And, as always, if you have any follow-up questions, you can email me at I am getting LOTS of questions and that is encouraging!